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And now? What next?

My personal (success) story

In 2008 I found myself in a deep crisis.

The work I was doing no longer fulfilled me and I just had the feeling that things were not right up front and behind. My mood became more and more gloomy, I felt heavier and heavier and really didn't know what to do. The way to work became more and more of a cramp - although I liked the work itself.

Only.... I had absolutely no idea what I could change and how I could do it.

This was already my third line of work . I didn't have the financial means to just throw everything over and retrain again, but most of all I really didn't know where I could have turned or with what.

So I did what probably most people do in such situations, I talked to friends and acquaintances and told them what was going on - it was obvious anyway that I was not well.

And as it probably happens most of the time, I got a recommendation to talk to X, who recommended me to Y and so on.

So eventually I came to a Journey practitioner. I didn't know what it was about, she didn't tell me at the time what the method was and what she was doing there with me. She just asked me if it was okay for me to do an inward journey.

That day she gave me an emotional journey. This led me directly into my own future.

When I came home, I got the feedback that I had a different expression.

After three weeks, a colleague asked me what was wrong with me, I was reacting so differently.

After half a year, I had started an extra-occupational training to become a non-medical practitioner and quit my old job.

In the course of the training I was given Brandon Bays' book and discovered what had given my life such a turnaround.

What was most impactful for me was the fact that I didn't have to do "anything" else.

I didn't give it a second thought. I didn't even know what the method was called.

As they say at the end of the journeys: the change in me happened on its own, naturally, without thinking about it. It was a change initiated by the experience of myself that had taken place and that led me to become more myself again.

This has since motivated me, after I had established myself in my new profession as a non-medical practitioner, to also take up the method professionally and integrate it into my practice.